Legacy Kick Off Tournament 2023-04-10
BLOOD MOON 2022 #2 2022-05-09
BLOOD MOON 2021 #2 2021-07-17
BLOOD MOON #2 2020-10-05
BLOOD MOON #1 2020-08-12
AntiDmg * Sets trap and throw stars 1.0 2.6
AreaGrab * Steals left edge from enmy 1.0 4.0
ElmntMan * Hit (A) whn col chges elem attk 1.0 1.0
EraseMan * Press (A) for 3panl beam attk 1.0 1.0
GrabBnsh M 20 damage for every stolen sq 1.0 1.0
JudgeMan * Whip 3 panels forward 1.0 1.0
LifeAur U Repel all attacks under200 1.0 1.0
MachGun3 M Fire 9sts at row w/clst enmy 1.0 2.2
Muramasa M Atk power equals amt of lostHP 1.0 1.0
WindRack * Blow enmy in front! Range: 3 1.0 1.6
RskyHny3 M Bees attk whle hive defending 0.8 1.5
DblPoint * +20 for next chip attack 0.6 1.0
Atk+30 * +30 for selected atk chip 0.4 1.0
BugFix * Repairs & removes bugs 0.4 1.0
ColForce Q Smn Col. army in open pnls 0.4 1.0
FullCust * CustGauge instantly refills 0.4 1.0
Geddon * Breaks all empty panels 0.4 2.0
GolmHit3 M Hit 3pnl area arnd clst enmy 0.4 1.5
HubBatc J Blend Hub DNA Data w/MegaMan 0.4 1.0
Invisibl * Invisible for a while 0.4 3.0
M-Boomer M Boomerang that circ btl field 0.4 1.0
Recov300 J Recovers 300HP 0.4 1.5
SloGauge * CustGauge slow-down 0.4 1.0
AntiNavi * Takes the enemy's Navi away 0.2 1.0
Barr200 U Nullifies 200 HP of damage 0.2 1.0
BlastMnSP B Head fwd & launch blst attk 0.2 1.0
BusterUp * Power goes up by 1 0.2 5.0
ElmntMnSP E Hit (A) whn col chges elem attk 0.2 1.0
GrndMan * Move fwrd then attk w/ drill 0.2 1.0
GrndManSP G Move fwrd then attk w/ drill 0.2 1.0
GunDelS3 Q Hits row 2pnl ahd w/sunshne 0.2 1.0
JudgeMnSP J Whip 3 panels forward 0.2 1.0
Lance * Lance through back line 0.2 1.0
MetrKnuk N Meteors bombard from sky 0.2 1.0
Recov300 Y Recovers 300HP 0.2 2.0
Rflectr3 * Bounce an attk back at them! 0.2 3.0
Roll3 R Attacks enmy, then heals you 0.2 1.0
SlashMnEX S Slash an enmy w/ flyn knfe 0.2 1.0
SlashMnSP S Slash an enmy w/ flyn knfe 0.2 1.0
Snake M Call snke from hole in area. 0.2 2.0
Snctuary Z Chng all own panel to holy 0.2 1.0
SuprVulc V 10-shot vulcan cannon! 0.2 1.0
TenguMan * Attk 2row from air, then side 0.2 1.0
WhiCapsl * Add an effect: Paralyze 0.2 1.0