ElmntMan * Hit (A) whn col chges elem attk 0.98 1.0
EraseMan * Press (A) for 3panl beam attk 0.98 1.0
LifeAur U Repel all attacks under200 0.98 1.0
JudgeMan * Whip 3 panels forward 0.96 1.0
AreaGrab * Steals left edge from enmy 0.94 3.54
AntiDmg * Sets trap and throw stars 0.93 2.52
WindRack * Blow enmy in front! Range: 3 0.89 1.65
Invisibl * Invisible for a while 0.85 2.78
FullCust * CustGauge instantly refills 0.42 1.0
SloGauge * CustGauge slow-down 0.42 1.67
Recov300 J Recovers 300HP 0.41 1.93
Snctuary Z Chng all own panel to holy 0.37 1.0
BugFix * Repairs & removes bugs 0.33 1.0
AntiNavi * Takes the enemy's Navi away 0.29 1.0
ElmntMnSP E Hit (A) whn col chges elem attk 0.29 1.0
GrndManSP G Move fwrd then attk w/ drill 0.28 1.0
MetrKnuk N Meteors bombard from sky 0.27 1.0
ColForce Q Smn Col. army in open pnls 0.27 1.0
MachGun1 * Fire 9sts at row w/clst enmy 0.27 1.14
HubBatc J Blend Hub DNA Data w/MegaMan 0.26 1.0
BlastMnSP B Head fwd & launch blst attk 0.23 1.0
Barr200 U Nullifies 200 HP of damage 0.23 1.0
Geddon * Breaks all empty panels 0.23 1.57
Uninstll G Attach to NoDim chp NavCusOff 0.21 1.0
GrabRvng Z 40 damage for every stolen sq 0.2 1.0
ProtoMnSP B Move in and slice the enemy 0.2 1.0
JudgeMnSP J Whip 3 panels forward 0.19 1.0
Uninstll L Attach to NoDim chp NavCusOff 0.19 1.0
Atk+30 * +30 for selected atk chip 0.18 1.04
GrabBnsh B 20 damage for every stolen sq 0.18 1.21
WhiCapsl * Add an effect: Paralyze 0.17 1.17
ElecDrgn L Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows 0.16 1.57
NeoVari N A magical shifting sword. 0.16 1.0
BblStar2 L Seals an enemy in a bubble. 0.15 1.5
GrabRvng Q 40 damage for every stolen sq 0.15 1.0
Magnum L Cursor destroys panels! 0.15 1.9
Muramasa M Atk power equals amt of lostHP 0.15 1.0
FstGauge * CustGauge speed-up 0.14 1.72
HeatDrgn G Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows 0.13 1.18
TenguMan * Attk 2row from air, then side 0.13 1.0
DblPoint * +20 for next chip attack 0.12 1.0
BgDthThd V Use Bug Frag with DarkThnd! (Thunder; if 0 Bug Frags remained) 0.11 1.0
DblBeast W Ferocious beast power! 0.11 1.0
GrndMan * Move fwrd then attk w/ drill 0.11 1.0
PanlGrab * Steals 1 enemy square! 0.11 2.53
WoodDrgn G Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows 0.11 1.33
BblStar3 G Seals an enemy in a bubble. 0.11 1.71
Barr200 W Nullifies 200 HP of damage 0.1 1.0
GunDelS3 Q Hits row 2pnl ahd w/sunshne 0.1 1.0
GrabBnsh M 20 damage for every stolen sq 0.09 1.0
SpoutMnSP A Watr atk! Bhnd 2row power-up 0.09 1.0
SuprVulc V 10-shot vulcan cannon! 0.09 1.0
MachGun2 G Fire 9sts at row w/clst enmy 0.08 1.55
MachGun3 B Fire 9sts at row w/clst enmy 0.08 2.45
Static G A static blast 2sq ahead 0.08 1.55
AntiSwrd * Retaliate for sword damage 0.08 1.8
ElcPuls2 J Sprd elec pulse. Pul enemy in. 0.08 2.2
Magnum W Cursor destroys panels! 0.08 2.0
SpoutMan * Watr atk! Bhnd 2row power-up 0.08 1.0
AntiRecv * Damages enemy in recovery 0.07 1.0
ElcPuls1 J Sprd elec puls that paralyzes 0.07 1.67
ElcPuls3 J Sprd elec puls. Hit w/HP bug. 0.07 1.22
Gregar X Gregar's breath attack! (Gregar exclusive) 0.07 1.0
IceSeed * Makes 9sq ice field 3sq ahead 0.07 1.33
PnlRetrn * Fix your area's panels 0.07 1.0
Recov300 Y Recovers 300HP 0.07 1.89
Barr200 K Nullifies 200 HP of damage 0.06 1.0
ElemTrap * Trap enmy and attk with elem 0.06 1.12
EraseMnSP K Press (A) for 3panl beam attk 0.06 1.0
HiBoomer B Boomerang that circ btl field 0.06 2.12
Recov300 O Recovers 300HP 0.06 2.0
BblStar2 V Seals an enemy in a bubble. 0.05 2.71
BlastMan * Head fwd & launch blst attk 0.05 1.0
BusterUp * Power goes up by 1 0.05 2.14
FireHit3 B Slams closest enemy 0.05 1.43
HolyPanl * Creates a HolyPanl in front 0.05 1.29
Lance * Lance through back line 0.05 1.14
Roll3 R Attacks enmy, then heals you 0.05 1.0
RskyHny1 B Bees attk whle hive defending 0.05 1.43
TmhkManSP T Slice 2sq side, 3sq vertical 0.05 1.0
Uninstll R Attach to NoDim chp NavCusOff 0.05 1.0
BassAnly F A ring that hits 4 times 0.05 1.0
ElecDrgn V Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows 0.05 1.83
JustcOne J Fist Atk on center panel 0.05 1.0
M-Boomer W Boomerang that circ btl field 0.05 2.67
RskyHny3 A Bees attk whle hive defending 0.05 2.5
SumnBlk3 W Summon a Nghtmare attack! 0.05 2.0
AquaSwrd A Cut enmy 3sq fwrd w/aqua 0.04 1.2
Barr100 O Nullifies 100 HP of damage 0.04 2.0
Bass F Buster rake wide enmy area 0.04 1.0
ElcPuls1 L Sprd elec puls that paralyzes 0.04 1.6
ElcPuls2 A Sprd elec pulse. Pul enemy in. 0.04 3.0
GunDelEX G Fires a spread sunbeam 0.04 1.0
GunDelS3 W Hits row 2pnl ahd w/sunshne 0.04 3.0
MachGun3 M Fire 9sts at row w/clst enmy 0.04 2.2
Rflectr3 * Bounce an attk back at them! 0.04 2.2
RskyHny3 M Bees attk whle hive defending 0.04 1.6
TenguMnSP T Attk 2row from air, then side 0.04 1.0
AreaGrab S Steals left edge from enmy 0.03 1.75
BambSwrd W Cut enmy 3sq fwrd w/wood 0.03 1.5
BblStar3 R Seals an enemy in a bubble. 0.03 1.75
BblStar3 S Seals an enemy in a bubble. 0.03 1.75
DolThdr3 V A piercng thunder attack! 0.03 2.5
Falzar X Falzar's ruinous tornado! (Falzar exclusive) 0.03 1.0
FireHit3 A Slams closest enemy 0.03 1.5
HiBoomer L Boomerang that circ btl field 0.03 1.0
MachGun2 S Fire 9sts at row w/clst enmy 0.03 2.5
PoisSeed * Makes 9sq poisn swp 3sq ahead 0.03 1.75
SlashMnSP S Slash an enmy w/ flyn knfe 0.03 1.0
TrplShot * Shoot 3 panels at an enemy! 0.03 1.5
AquaDrgn H Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows 0.02 2.0
AquaDrgn S Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows 0.02 1.67
CountSP H Rain on enmy then lance atk 0.02 1.0
ElecDrgn A Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows 0.02 1.33
HeatDrgn R Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows 0.02 1.33
HeatManSP H Burn with a radial fire attk 0.02 1.0
M-Boomer M Boomerang that circ btl field 0.02 1.33
MachGun3 F Fire 9sts at row w/clst enmy 0.02 3.0
Meteors R Drop many meteor on enmy area 0.02 1.0
Anubis P Anubis poisons enemies 0.02 1.0
AquaNdl3 A Target 3 needles at enemy! 0.02 1.5
BblStar1 B Seals an enemy in a bubble. 0.02 2.0
BblStar1 E Seals an enemy in a bubble. 0.02 1.5
BigHook H Hook atk 2 sq wide 0.02 1.0
Boomer J Boomerang that circ btl field 0.02 1.0
BugRSwrd V Use Bug Frag with DrkSword! (Sword; if 0 Bug Frags remained) 0.02 1.0
DeltaRay Z A button power up by 3 swrd 0.02 1.0
DolThdr3 R A piercng thunder attack! 0.02 1.0
ElcPuls1 S Sprd elec puls that paralyzes 0.02 1.5
ElcPuls2 E Sprd elec pulse. Pul enemy in. 0.02 2.5
ElecSwrd E Cut enmy 3sq fwrd w/elec 0.02 1.5
ElmntMnEX E Hit (A) whn col chges elem attk 0.02 1.0
EraseMnEX K Press (A) for 3panl beam attk 0.02 1.0
Fan * VacuumFn pulls enemy in 0.02 1.0
Fanfare * Take no dmage for a while 0.02 1.0
FireBrn1 * Crcks 3 sqrs ahd with fire 0.02 1.0
FireHit2 S Slams closest enemy 0.02 1.5
FireSwrd F Cut enmy 3sq fwrd w/fire 0.02 1.0
FlshBom1 * Thrw dlyd stun bomb 3sq fwd 0.02 1.0
FlshBom2 G Thrw dlyd stun bomb 3sq fwd 0.02 1.0
FlshBom3 H Thrw dlyd stun bomb 3sq fwd 0.02 3.0
FstGauge M CustGauge speed-up 0.02 1.0
GoingRd * Push an enemy to the back 0.02 1.0
GolmHit3 M Hit 3pnl area arnd clst enmy 0.02 1.5
GrabBnsh S 20 damage for every stolen sq 0.02 1.0
Magnum F Cursor destroys panels! 0.02 3.0
MchnSwrd H Search and hit stund enemies. 0.02 1.0
RskyHny1 S Bees attk whle hive defending 0.02 1.5
RskyHny2 V Bees attk whle hive defending 0.02 1.0
SlashMnEX S Slash an enmy w/ flyn knfe 0.02 1.0
SumnBlk2 V Summon a Nghtmare attack! 0.02 1.0
TrnArrw3 S Hits enmy w/arrow. Use dstnc 0.02 1.5
Wind * Windbox blows at enmy area 0.02 1.0
WoodDrgn V Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows 0.02 1.0
AirSpin1 G Spits out hurricane attack 0.01 2.0
AirSpin3 T Spits out hurricane attack 0.01 1.0
AreaGrab B Steals left edge from enmy 0.01 2.0
AssnSwrd N When plyz cut enemy spec panl 0.01 1.0
AuraHed3 G A flying head with 2spc tail 0.01 2.0
BambSwrd S Cut enmy 3sq fwrd w/wood 0.01 2.0
Barr100 H Nullifies 100 HP of damage 0.01 2.0
Barr100 Y Nullifies 100 HP of damage 0.01 2.0
BblStar1 T Seals an enemy in a bubble. 0.01 1.0
BblWrap Z Weak against elec atk 0.01 1.0
BlkBomb F Thrw shel 3sqr fwd. Fire attk 0.01 1.0
BugBomb G Throws a BugBomb 3sq ahead 0.01 1.0
CircGun V Stop sght w/Button and attck 0.01 2.0
Colonel * Cut enmy lines in Z shape 0.01 1.0
ComingRd * Pull an enemy to the front 0.01 1.0
DiveManSP D Snd giant wave acrs area 2pnl 0.01 1.0
DolThdr3 B A piercng thunder attack! 0.01 2.0
DublShot * Shoot 2 panels at an enemy! 0.01 1.0
ElcPuls3 A Sprd elec puls. Hit w/HP bug. 0.01 2.0
FireBrn2 S Crcks 3 sqrs ahd with fire 0.01 1.0
FireBrn3 E Crcks 3 sqrs ahd with fire 0.01 3.0
FireHit3 C Slams closest enemy 0.01 1.0
FlshBom2 R Thrw dlyd stun bomb 3sq fwd 0.01 2.0
FlshBom3 S Thrw dlyd stun bomb 3sq fwd 0.01 1.0
GolmHit2 D Hit 3pnl area arnd clst enmy 0.01 2.0
GolmHit3 H Hit 3pnl area arnd clst enmy 0.01 2.0
GolmHit3 V Hit 3pnl area arnd clst enmy 0.01 1.0
GrndManEX G Move fwrd then attk w/ drill 0.01 1.0
Guardian O Statue punishes when hit 0.01 1.0
GunDelS3 N Hits row 2pnl ahd w/sunshne 0.01 3.0
HeatDrgn T Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows 0.01 2.0
HiBoomer V Boomerang that circ btl field 0.01 1.0
IronShl3 L Fire off piercing shell. 0.01 1.0
LilBolr1 F 3pnl fwd Kttl attk Attack+ 0.01 1.0
LongBlde B Cuts enmy in front! Range: 2 0.01 1.0
LongSwrd S Cuts enmy in front! Range: 2 0.01 3.0
M-Cannon * Cannon attack to 1 enemy 0.01 1.0
M-Cannon S Cannon attack to 1 enemy 0.01 1.0
MachGun2 E Fire 9sts at row w/clst enmy 0.01 2.0
Mine A Place a mine in enmy area 0.01 1.0
Mine S Place a mine in enmy area 0.01 1.0
Otenko O Put Otnko to raise atk pwr 0.01 1.0
ProtoMan * Move in and slice the enemy 0.01 1.0
Recov200 Q Recovers 200HP 0.01 2.0
Recov80 * Recovers 80HP 0.01 1.0
RlngLog3 F Send out 2 logs 2pnl fwd 0.01 1.0
RskyHny1 G Bees attk whle hive defending 0.01 1.0
Snake M Call snke from hole in area. 0.01 2.0
Spreadr3 * Spreads damg to adj panels 0.01 1.0
Static V A static blast 2sq ahead 0.01 2.0
SumnBlk3 Y Summon a Nghtmare attack! 0.01 2.0
Sword S Cuts enmy in front! Range: 1 0.01 1.0
TankCan1 A 3sqr blst if hits end row 0.01 2.0
TankCan2 L 3sqr blst if hits end row 0.01 1.0
Thunder * Pralyzing electric attack! 0.01 1.0
Tornado T 8hit strm 2 squares ahead 0.01 2.0
TrnArrw3 M Hits enmy w/arrow. Use dstnc 0.01 1.0
WideBlde B Cuts enmy in front! Range: 3 0.01 1.0
WideSht R Fires 3sq shotgun blast! 0.01 1.0
WideSwrd S Cuts enmy in front! Range: 3 0.01 2.0
WoodDrgn T Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows 0.01 2.0