FOLDER FEATURING CHIP CODE "L" FROM THE Broken Soul: Beast’s Fury (top 4)
MetrKnuk N Meteors bombard from sky
ElmntMan * Hit (A) whn col chges elem attk
JudgeMan * Whip 3 panels forward
BlastMnSP B Head fwd & launch blst attk
EraseMan * Press (A) for 3panl beam attk
ProtoMnSP B Move in and slice the enemy
Uninstll L Attach to NoDim chp NavCusOff
WhiCapsl * Add an effect: Paralyze
AntiDmg * Sets trap and throw stars
AntiDmg * Sets trap and throw stars
AntiDmg * Sets trap and throw stars
LifeAur U Repel all attacks under200
Invisibl * Invisible for a while
Invisibl * Invisible for a while
Invisibl * Invisible for a while
FstGauge * CustGauge speed-up
FstGauge * CustGauge speed-up
Geddon * Breaks all empty panels
GrabBnsh B 20 damage for every stolen sq
AreaGrab * Steals left edge from enmy
AreaGrab * Steals left edge from enmy
AreaGrab * Steals left edge from enmy
Magnum L Cursor destroys panels!
Magnum L Cursor destroys panels!
ElecDrgn L Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows
ElecDrgn L Drgn near clst enmy Hit 2 rows
WindRack * Blow enmy in front! Range: 3
BblStar2 L Seals an enemy in a bubble.
BblStar2 L Seals an enemy in a bubble.
SuprVulc V 10-shot vulcan cannon!